"Invest in the human soul. Who knows, it might be a diamond in the rough."
~Mary McLeod Bethune
Every couple of weeks I like to bring you the latest items of the utmost extravagance...usually involving diamonds. It's about that time again...
Some of these are the norm: an outrageously priced diamond adorned bustier, a completely unnecessary but extravagrant diamond iPad cover and...a diamond sex toy. What was that last one? Oh yes. A DIAMOND SEX TOY. Let's start with that one...
French jeweler Maison Victor claims to have designed the world's most expensive sex toy. The white gold dildo features a mounted ring made of 117 diamonds equaling 18 carats. Available in a variety of sizes, the exquisite erotic toy comes apart to release the diamond ring. The price? $59,000 I know, sounds kind of outrageous for a dildo... However, many people spend $59,000 or more on diamonds BUT how many of those people can say their purchase gave them an orgasm?
You had to know this was coming. We have seen a diamond TV, diamond cell phones, diamond cell phone covers, hell, even diamond didoes (see above). So you had to know a diamond laptop was coming...especially from Stuart Hughes, who designed this MacBook for Apple. The said laptop is comprised of platinum and 25.5 carats of diamonds in the shape of Apple's logo. This $210,000 MacBook is a limited edition, only 10 will be made. I have always been a PC girl as opposed to a Mac girl but I may be willing to try something new for this MacBook
This must be a record. The iPad has only been available for maybe a few days, wait...is it even available yet?! Either way, the Mervis Diamond company has already upgraded it with it's diamond version. The $20,000 limited edition gadget is studded with 11.43 carats of damn near flawless diamonds and will be available in June.
Watch out Victoria's Secret, Orra Diamonds has created a stunning bustier loaded with over a million dollars worth of diamonds. Oh how I wish I was disgustingly wealthy, I would buy this decadent bustier along with the diamond studded sex toy... Every Glamour Whore knows that your top should always match your bottoms:)
Now something more affordable...
I love love love pedicures and having my pedicurist tend to my toes with diamond files sounds like something I could never afford. Sounds like it. But it's not. Unaffordable that is. Diamancel has a line of genuine diamond mani-pedi tools that is actually quite attainable and affordable ($38). And quite effective from what I've heard. I cannot wait to order mine... You can find these fab files at Sephora.
Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo
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