Sunday, May 23, 2010

~It's Hard Out Hair For A P.I.M.P...Even If You Are A "Prince"~

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Yeah, in Hollywoood they say there's no b'ness like show b'ness
In the hood they say, there's no b'ness like hoe b'ness ya know
They say I talk a lil fast, but if you listen a lil faster
I ain't got to slow down for you to catch up, BITCH
-Fifty "P.I.M.P"

A couple of months ago I was in a gas station by my apartment in Jersey City (Where the hood and high fashion meet Bitchesssss...) and a headline on a local paper caught my attention. Ok, I'm lying, a headline didn't catch my attention, a picture did. I read the headline after gasping and clutching the paper because of this pic:

Finally!!!!! Out the hundreds of thousands of males that declare themselves a pimp on a daily basis, this dude is quite obviously the real deal!! Complete with hair and jewelry that would bring tears to Katt Williams eyes...

Quick rundown: Allen "Prince" E. Brown is a admitted and convicted pimp in the "Society Hill" section of Jersey City, which people seem to think is "upscale" but doesn't impress my Connecticut bred snobby ass.

The self-proclaimed "Prince", in his late forties, apparently had been flesh peddling for over 20yrs. He had various family members working for his "organization" including...his MAMA. Now that's gangsta. No, he wasn't selling her royalty bearing lady parts, I think she was just basically keepin everything in check. Maybe she was in charge of's all a little fuzzy, can't figure it all out.

Probably because I don't care. Yeah, I said it. It doesn't concern me. Yes, I know and agree that flesh peddling is wrong, very very wrong. And I agree he should be punished...BUT...who is going to amuse me now that he is behind bars and no longer newsworthy?! I mean seriously...the hair, the "throne", the "crown", the's just too good. It's almost cartoon-ish, I can't take it...

After seeing the initial pic of this pimp/over achieving matchmaker (Hey, it's all about perspective) I followed the story... I came across his mugshot one day and was worried sick!! Have a look and you'll know why:

OMG!!!! What happened to Prince's hair?! Those evil COs must not be allowing him to tend to his glorious mane!!! Bastids!!

My worries were calmed today though while surfing the web. I saw pictures from his sentencing hearing and was delighted to see that he was able to find someone in prison with "pimp" hair skills. I can rest easy tonight knowing he has gotten his "sexy" back...

Omg...I CAN'T TAKE IT!!! I know it's's so good. I think if he got together with the drug lord lingerie model I wrote about a few months back...they could rule the world.

Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo

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